Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Safelists a Thing of the Past ?


I don't use safelists anymore, I haven't for quite a while now, I much prefer to use SEO and boost my web presence by doing the hard yards, sure I used to get a few hits now and again with safelists, but no one really gave two hoots when visiting and that's even if they did, they propably did just like I used to and that's open 50 odd pages at once and wait for the timers to click down and then close the hole group at once.

One of the best ways to get traffic is to jump on board the Video Craze, I now make Videos and submit them to Google Video and Grouper, also adding the Videos to my websites, this is a truly Viral campaign and totally legal, last week alone I had 40 000 Videos Viewed and 1000 downloaded, all were Branded with my URL and Logos, imagine the reach of these Videos !!

You can View my Video Samples at :

Celebrity Videos.
Big Brother Videos.
Music Videos.

I am loving the traffic coming in and can now focus on what matters most, my websites and the content within.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Free Safelist

Grab a Free Safelist.

So you may know what a Safelist is ? Did you know you can get your own Free Safelist ? You may have been offered a Safelist before ? Usually Safelists cost between $4.95 - $20 a month. But there are many Safelists available for free, some are not high quality, but high quality Safelists are available for Free, here I will show you where to get a Safelist for free and you may even make a few bucks for yourself.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Safelists An Effective Way To Advertise?

Safelists An Effective Way To Advertise?
First of all, what is a safelist?

A safelistis a collection of email addresses of peoplewho have joined as members, and then give theirpermission to receive email from the other members.
In turn they get to mail to all the other members on the list.

When messages are sent to the safelist they are notconsidered spam, because each person on the safelisthas given their permission to receive email from other members.

Every message that is sent should have removal instructions, so a person can be easily removed from the list.It is possible to reach thousands of potentialcustomers without ever receiving a spam complaint.You dont have to worry about losing your ISP, because it is not spam.

There are thousands of safelists on the net, many of them free. But the giant safelists host are fadingaway. Ones such as Globelists,Onelist,Egroups, andListbot.They are all gone, but have been replacedby many private lists, and smaller safelists hosts,who seem to be around for the long run.With these lists you can advertise safely, and without worry.

There is a difference of opinionon how effective they are, but many have expressed good results with them.Some have different type of memberships such as Free, Pro and Platinum. There are even some whooperate on the point system.

They give you a certain amount of points when you join as a member.In any event, safelists seem to be a very effectiveway to reach a large number of prospects withoutspamming.

Paul Kellum is the owner of The Smallbiz Marketer Safelist! The safelist were your message is actually delivered and read. It based on the points system.

For More info:

Author:Paul Kellum is an ezine publsher and and direct marketer who spcializes in safelist marketing.

Using Safelists (Blasters) For Advertising.

Is it worth all the hassles, to use Safelists ?
In my early days I liked them and some days I even received 300-500 hits per day, which was a lot for me, I found just 5 Safelists was more effective than Blasting and using Safelist Blasters, In the end that's why I stopped using them (because of Safelist Blasters) , after some success with a few Safelists I thought that using a Blaster to reach 1000s of lists would multiply my hits by that amount, so being nieve and hopefull I purchased about 5 memberships to Safelist Blasters and even purchased a Safelist Email Box, all up this cost me about 40 dollars a month, But my hits hardly changed and I was loosing cash.

Now I use SEO (search engine optimisation) and receive 5000 - 10 000 hits per day,
Here I will show you what works for me and what has failed, I will e show you how to start your own Safelists within minutes and for free.